Amana Mission Publishing Ink Presents: the LyricVerse of Indi Riverflow

Triple Entendre

Triple Entendre | Third Word Rear


Gyroscape: Spherical Spins in Lyrical Verse

Gyroscape | MobiusBand


Rhapsody in Retrograde: Lyrical Loops In Verse

Rhapsody In Retrograde Front Cover: Pine Cone Ridge | Rhapsody In Retrograde back cover: Strange Loops


Order your print edition of Third Word, Rhapsody In Retrograde, and Gyroscape available now through Createspace
Spot of Mandelbrot

Lyrics by Indi Riverflow

All I can remember Is that I always forget The timing of whatever Hasn’t happened yet Drowning in duties And tangled in debt Dazzled by beauty And hedging my bets {chorus} Hints of Oversoul Poppin’ through Pairs of peepholes Holy ghosts hosted Among airy family trees Teased out in synchronicity Familiarities and similarities Divining divine […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 10, 2012, 6:21 am
It’s the end of tour now We’ve come to the end of the line But damn it worked out fine One day when we rock in leisure These pleasures we’ll recall Memory’s precious treasures Which make the trouble worth it all We’ll do it again in the pleasure domes Though it’s never quite the same […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 10, 2012, 5:36 am
Walking on the deadbeat trail Hoisting up the silent sail Opening the seal on the mystic mail Unleashing the unreal primal wail {Chorus} If the Devil don’t tell you And the angels don’t sing Flingin’ that brimstone and waving that wing In the land of blind minds The half-wit dreamer is king There is no […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 1, 2012, 9:21 pm
Transcendent tunnels From here to here Day devoted to detecting the rare Wisp of curled siren hair Luring me into her frothy lair Skating the shaky surface of uncertainty Riding the waves of possibility Yielding all to the power of the sea And totally Blissfully Magically Free Picked up From the lowest rung Licked up […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 22, 2012, 2:10 am
This palace is quickly losing luster The courtyard’s cluttered Broken windows shuttered Echoing every curse That was ever muttered Every misplaced word That hate has uttered This is a place with one-way doors Where wealthy servants carefully ignore Your protests as they steal all that is yours And sell the furniture for a trifle more […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 22, 2012, 2:08 am
Written with Eric Olson of Hairball Willie and Funktional Family All the Valkyries have flown Borne away to Asgaard’s gate I’m left standing here alone Cheating or being cheated by fate As I survey the stains, and the slain The brave in battle, the terminally vain I wonder if it’s best to be on that […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 17, 2012, 2:06 am
This is where the elements combine Where the green sheen Meets the sunshine Where energy greets Matter’s fine line Hidden roots expand Where we are unaware Reflecting the span Of rising canopy flares {Chorus} Sometimes a rise looks like a fall Sometimes a door comes off like a wall You don’t have to decide at […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 16, 2012, 11:13 pm
There are no flaws Only assets misapplied Take ambition In the wrong situation A source of frustration Yet under the right conditions It has the force of the tide The drive to exceed Is as common as weeds Choking the growing of any other seed But in a clear fertile plain Burnt away and drenched […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 12, 2012, 2:34 am
You may have yourself a gig Where you dare not be late A silver claim on which to dig That now controls your fate Chasing carrots and fleeing stress Slaving for freedom and finding less {Chorus} All these things which give you slack Turn around and take it back Mind’s in a bind And body’s […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: July 9, 2012, 8:13 am
In the garden we gathered whatever we’d need Till we were driven out by our insatiable greed It was all over once the ape stood up straight Lifted a hand to redefine fate Couldn’t see the forests for the wood Confused by the fruiting body of evil and good {Chorus 1} Echoes of the city […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: June 20, 2012, 2:10 am
These are bits of Magma which were worth writing down at the moment. “We’re writing tomorrow’s cliches, today.” -IR “Poetry does not follow a meter. Poetry produces a meter.” -IR “When the shift in the political spectrum tends toward tyranny, the center must radicalize to survive.” -IR “If you want to go off script, better […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: June 15, 2012, 1:09 am
Did you ever stop to wonder Who scattered this trail of silver? And crafted rafts to save Some unknown child of the river? We knew you’d one day crest this wave A dreamer and a giver This stream is bubbling with treasures Only visible to the brave Who trust us to deliver We can conjure […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: May 17, 2012, 5:37 pm
There are many rides in this carnival Roller coasters in perpetual festival Dark houses haunted by greed and guilt Parades of giant rulers stalking on stilts Dunk tanks where someone soaks when you win Pirate planks where you walk off your sin And halls of mirrors where you talk to your twin We’ll be whizzing […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: May 9, 2012, 11:08 am
I sing yesterday’s refrains As I dream tomorrow’s tunes Scrying my soul Like a scattered plate of runes Seeking new ways to praise The beauty of the moon Sliver of silver painted by night Carved and filled in endless phase Content to share the light From the Source’s glorious rays Hit land as a castaway […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: April 26, 2012, 12:36 am
There isn’t a thing she can’t do with string On a mission to tie the world up in a ring White lotus petals along trails she treads Catches moonbeams in a bindi crystal Held to her head by the thinnest of threads Candle cupped in either palm Slipping past the storm to any pocket of […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: March 31, 2012, 5:21 am
I got something up my sleeve A trick which will drop your jaw So slick it’ll bend what you believe And have you question what you saw Once you’ve seen a giant rabbit Pull wizards from a black top hat The only conclusion left to draw Is this might be sanity’s last straw {Chorus} I’ve […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: March 30, 2012, 9:58 am
I’m a painter with sounds Mechanic of totaled hearts Conductor of cut-up clowns And fluent in six tongues of art Born ready for a Renaissance In an age of science fiction A creature created by a world of wants Where the best lack all conviction They say it’s written in the Will That the meek […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: March 8, 2012, 11:01 pm
How I need a place to park my wheels Cool my jets and heat my heels Hardly holding out against the tilt Racing inside this maze they built Seems I spend half my days Shuffling out of the heat’s heavy way Skulking along walls of graffiti spray Dodging bears and their demands to obey Trying […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: March 3, 2012, 5:01 am
  Morning glory sacred smoke Open the Sun Inhale or choke But never forget the way you woke Peeling back the serpent’s cloak Standing by poets and the brave in battle Armed with chants and dance And shaking mad rattles Panoramas carved into primal images Taking tolls along astral bridges They trek half the globe […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: February 27, 2012, 2:13 am
Power flows from the barrel of an engine’s heat As I surf quanta in the driver’s seat Press stubbornly on or beat a humble retreat Pick a path, compass queued south Set on a physical and mystical mission To fill my soul and fill my mouth So long as I retain a willing transmission Charged […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: February 25, 2012, 10:36 pm
Standby for the catch-phrase king Hanging on to his high by a very thin string Superhero quick and Houdini slick As white rabbits leap from his bag of tricks As a cloud of glitter spun the room Sustained by a psychic sonic boom Till dawn’s early darkness shone On how big and bad your pride […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: January 25, 2012, 4:45 pm
Hunting out the words between the words Listening for visions crying to be heard It’s a mission measured in melody Wholeness, integrity and clarity Does it glimmer shimmer in the mist Evoking passion like a teenager’s kiss? Will it strike the soul like a typewriter key From the first half of the last century? Will […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: January 6, 2012, 12:54 am
Everlasting cascade waterfall Feeding the amber waves of gain Her fertile light uniting it all Churning glory through the rain Silken swans at Heaven’s gate Flanked by sparrows and doves Serenading the Queen that creates The world from nothing but love {Chorus} Mistress of Illusions granting phantom wishes Filling baskets with bread and rivers with […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: December 22, 2011, 5:26 pm
Pythia on her tripod Inhaling Eleusinian fumes A channel for the goddesses and gods Passing secrets through the womb Behind the pomegranate curtain Evoking the sacred stream Leaving all answers uncertain Like the mumbling from a dream It is what it is Is…Is…Is..Is Seated between twin pillars Lit by the triple moon Virgin maiden seer […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: December 15, 2011, 3:13 pm
The wizard in an amber robe Reeling from astral realms he probes Twisting the system half insane Rivers of symbols in intricate chains Some might try to call it sorcery This mutual conspiracy Of suspicious serendipity But the juggler only laughs Behind the shroud of secrecy Stands a lifetime of craft {Chorus} If you read […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: December 7, 2011, 12:04 pm
Cracked my egg in a gilded cage Penned in tight, a child of rage Issued me a list of rules and sins But I didn’t know what a mess I was in I was raised on a diet of lies On land seized as battle prize I was trained in the ways of the hive […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 29, 2011, 6:38 am
Victory just isn’t in these cards Dreams and waking don’t line up Eyes to the side, stiff and on guard Nursing an empty bottomless cup Glancing up from mirror shards Wondering how it got to be this hard It is not the fault of circumstance Nor of the faith you lent When you took your […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 27, 2011, 6:12 am
The Fool was always misunderstood Always kept his eyes on the sky Dropping out whenever he could Just a half step ahead of the FBI Shouldering a humble hobo stick Puppy nipping at heedless heels Fool set off in search of kicks Not a bit worried about the next meal Found himself nowhere bound Using […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 23, 2011, 11:41 pm
It was a typical hippie tale He wasn’t buying the lying Or wars they were trying to sell He wasn’t cut out to fail So he grew his mind and hair And let everything else go to hell There was no time for college Far too many worlds to learn He wanted the kind of […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 21, 2011, 4:27 am
Hollywood’s gone awful green these days To listen to all the stars They sure are busy recycling scripts While blowing up all those cars If they ever figured out alchemy’s trick My, how the price of lead would rise They’d be yanking out ancient plumbing Scraping graphite from the dots of I’s {Chorus} Might say […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 19, 2011, 10:09 pm
This piece attempts to convey the Eight Circuit conception of neurolinguistic consciousness described by Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson, among others. It also may be taken as an ascent through Chakras, although not in order. Notice that each verse includes its cardinal. Born with silver pistols between our lips Crying to catch mother’s precious […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 16, 2011, 8:53 am
This piece was inspired by a Tucson area wanderer who Amana met at her day job in a smoke shop. It was believed that he was a veteran of both the military and MK-ULTRA. You can probably guess which brand of cheap reconstituted tobacco he preferred to spend his meager pennies on. I met life […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 13, 2011, 5:52 am
Sapphire locket wrapped on a spire Flames licking out at the edge of fire Insane indeed, but only north by northwest It can be predicted but never guessed She’s a complex girl with a simple rule Every appendage must be encrusted with jewels Hair of every color, flesh of every tone There’s no style she […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: November 3, 2011, 4:20 am
Flinching at the slightest sound Where golden nuggets grow on trees Sitting guard both ears to the ground A pocketful of empty and a head full of needs {Chorus} Eyes were bigger than your garden Garden bigger than your dreams Crisp icy nights it all starts to harden It’s never quite as easy as it […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 27, 2011, 3:48 am
Castaway summons Siren calls you on Promising to explain When all of this is done Find it in the mind Or among the coral reefs Drift in the aquatic deep To dream or perchance Eternally sleep Meet you in the Chapel We’ll see how deep it goes Toss the golden apple Between the wooden rows […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 21, 2011, 10:50 pm
Deadicated to the Grate Mahatma Robert Anton Wilson, the imaginary writer The science of synchronicity Gratuitous fortuitous serendipity It’s all that and a bushel of flax House of cards and house of wax {Chorus} Twenty-three ways to connect the dots Pattern is there even when it’s not What you look for is what you get […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 13, 2011, 10:51 am
This one came from an assignment John offered at our first breakfast meeting; he supplied the verse about the man with the left-handed star from his notebook. He wanted to include ideas from or about Crowley, Blavatsky and Reich, which was a fine notion, but far too vast for a single song. This three-part mystic […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: October 4, 2011, 8:15 am
We spring from the oil of the ocean Strings gifted with strange locomotion Waving our dirty laundry in the air In case anyone really cares Measuring success by the shadows we cast Seeding the future and grading the past Preparing for what no one’s ever prepared Energy equals mind times consciousness squared {Chorus} Each breath […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 19, 2011, 1:53 am
Desert Trance at Quixotes –> Click to play audio set to music and performed by John Kadlecik Sky was raining question marks Spirits spinning bodies of dust Air rippling with cobalt sparks Finding new life with each new gust Coming to in a bed of thorns Beneath a scalding hot pink dome The wailing wind […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 18, 2011, 10:00 am
These are our hands Counting grains of sand Splitting infinity into bits Which we can understand And here are the gears Where the cycle appears Eternally returning Hours to months and years {chorus} Now here is your moment The last one was spent This instant flashes past Wondering where it went Clicking away like clockwork […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 15, 2011, 6:43 am
We awoke to timeless void Stirred by echoes of when Worlds were born and destroyed Eye spun wide once again But there was no view to see So we exploded with curiosity Gyroscape whipped in a whirl The world is your oyster But don’t swallow the pearl Particles and planets Dance in a ring Swung […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 14, 2011, 11:54 pm
Millie never shirked a day of work She was the picture of the perfect clerk She never typed off key or lost her smile Misspelled a memo or misplaced a file Bosses came and bosses went She outlasted thirteen Presidents Millie stayed and oversaw the parade While over half a century slipped by Mysteries mastered […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 12, 2011, 5:29 pm
Little old lady with big ambition Trapped beneath her tightly wound bun Gave off the vibe of a librarian But, man, Millie was a girl who knew How to have her some fun She found good work as a loyal clerk In a top-secret compound of the FBI Service with a smile went home with […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 12, 2011, 3:13 pm
I’ve come to bring you good news Go on and sign up, nothing to lose I’m very sure you haven’t heard The greatest story ever put to words We’ll multiply your bread By a factor of seven My upline goes straight to the pyramid head Oh yeah, the Big Guy in Heaven I can tell […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 5, 2011, 9:34 am
There’s a little light inside my vain Occluded obtuse overeager brain It flickers off and flickers on again Like the lamp of a darting subway train I dearly wish I could find the switch But it proves to be an elusive glitch Sometimes when the lines are cut No one out there appears to hear […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 3, 2011, 8:38 pm
An ode to the Grate Abbie Hoffman Air thick with talk of sex peace and race Paradigms shifting all over the place Boat rocking from alienation and rage A paradoxical patriot leapt to the stage Abbie and his band of merry yanksters On a mission to mock imperialist gangsters They were Marxists of the Groucho […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: September 1, 2011, 10:19 am
When Devi divided, slicing the pie Yearning to look Herself in the Eye Knew She existed, but had no clue why Chaos gave birth to the Earth and the sky One became Three so perspective could be We’re still trying to solve the mystery Creating, Sustaining, Destroying Particles and galaxies dance in the ring A […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: August 28, 2011, 10:40 am
This ballad was among the very first in this cycle. It is a best effort at conveying the folk tales of John The Conqueror, a rich tradition of fables among the very first African-Americans which are deeply empowering even now to all those who suffer petty or serious tyranny. Low John the slave wouldn’t toe […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: August 26, 2011, 10:43 am
Dragged myself home by the crack of noon Time to spy the setting of the lingering moon Feeling out of whack and out of tune A moment too late and yet too soon Went to splash some water at my face Thinking, oh man how I gotta get away from this place Got to shake […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: August 3, 2011, 11:00 am
Deadicated to Raggedy Randy, may enlightenment yet strike Put back that fire before you torch the place Punch a gift horse square in the face Caught between a clock and a hard chase You would cut off your rose to spite your space I used to see you double down on a pair With a […]
Author: Indi Riverflow
Posted: December 26, 2009, 2:28 am

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