Inkblot Kettlepot
By Indi Riverflow | March 5, 2014
Pretending to come from the past
Chaos seeking some sort of order
Where the first always follows last
And symbols are solid cast
When we dwell in dreams
I harbor no doubt
What that was about
Cause I spell out
What frequently seem
Obvious omens
Seen in the stream
I don’t like to stew in my steam
Cause temperatures get quite extreme
Flashes like a laser beam
When the whistle finally screams
Oh, the inkblot kettlepot
It’s not the pot you knew
Got to be built to get pretty hot
And the lid has a half loose screw
The recipe calls for quite a lot
Bitter words that are partly true
And lots of illusions which are not
But when the boiling is through
What you’ve hopefully got
Is a clarified vision of you
Under vexing pressure
To prevent venting frustration
Over this twisted situation
Chained to our instruments of liberation
Like a surreal game of tug of peace
Where both sides stand to lose
If the rope is released
Please let’s not be confused
We must above all fail to choose
That hasty hesitation
Which kills the moment’s momentum
Topics: Gyroscape 2014, Lyrics by Indi Riverflow | No Comments »
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