Strange Loops
By Indi Riverflow | October 13, 2013
I wondered what would happen if I said
I have this thought inside my head
About this thought about this thought I had
What I am about to tell you is true
But what I just said is a lie
Boomerang bouncin’ back at you
In vicious circles of transparent dye
The origin is at its end
And the needle breeds the eye
The messenger is what it sends
Through the lens which bends the sky
There seems to be no way to know
If you can really know what I mean
If you’ve ever spied the spiral glow
Or even seen what I call green
Not sure what we’re understanding
In this tangled plot
You might say it’s almost nothing
But it’s not
We’re a story told in alphabet soup
With just enough ink to link the chain
Just a group of strange strange loops
That the void could not contain
The strangest part is this living thing
Hardly seems natural at all
Strings of code self-replicating
On this suspiciously habitable ball
What I am about to tell you is true
But what I just said is a lie
Boomerang bouncin’ back at you
In vicious circles of transparent dye
I had this thought inside my head
I wondered what would happen if I said
I had this thought inside my head
I wondered what would happen if I said

Topics: Lyrics by Indi Riverflow, Rhapsody in Retrograde | No Comments »
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