By Indi Riverflow | August 23, 2013
Flexing that flexibility
As the map again unwraps
Sensing that some sensibilities
Carve impassable gaps
As the map again unwraps
Sensing that some sensibilities
Carve impassable gaps
Straining every ability
Running on the last synapse
Juggling probabilities
Unsure how they’ll collapse
It might be wizardry
But don’t you think it’s easy
It never looks like magic
On the inside of the trick
Sitting in the crucible
We’re cranking up the gas
Down to bare essentials
Never mind the mass
Handling the invisible
Presents a unique set of needs
What you once thought conceptual
Bounces back at bullet speed
Alchemy is all about purity
Dialing down the ego noise
Bar rises higher with every degree
That the firewalk destroys
Topics: Lyrics by Indi Riverflow, Rhapsody in Retrograde | No Comments »